With so many choices, and so little time available choosing the right lending provider for your next investment property can be a minefield. With rates at all time lows, you could be forgiven that all things being equal it doesn’t really matter who you choose to provide the much needed financing for that additional property.
Melbourne mortgage broker Red Sparrow is here to prove that with their market knowledge, they can take not only the time and stress out of finding the right lender but also secure an industry leading loan rate that could considerably save you money on your investment.
Red Sparrow is the brainchild of founder Andrew Carra who, along with his experienced and dedicated team, has already taken Red Sparrow to be a finalist in this years MFAA awards for excellence. Andrew who also runs a successful wealth management business explains why he ventured into the creation of Red Sparrow:
“I entered financial planning back in the 'olden days' of 2002 – it was a much simpler time in an era before smart phones and Facebook. Compulsory superannuation came into effect in 1993 and many Australians were still coming to terms with the idea of saving for their own retirement rather than relying on the government. After leaving the corporate world In 2005 I started my own financial planning business - Carra Wealth Management (CWM). It may not seem that long ago but to put it in perspective back then the average mortgage was just over $250,000 and house prices were nowhere near the levels they are today.
CWM’s advice to clients centered largely on ways to create wealth and protect it. However, we gradually noticed a shift in clients needs. More and more of our time was now being spent working with clients to not only help build a nest egg but also ways to reduce debt. As the average mortgage size began to increase it became a natural progression to incorporate debt advice and be able to implement this within CWM.
For many years we worked in partnership with an external broker to implement our advice but in 2015 we moved to our new office in Docklands and I took the opportunity to launch a dedicated mortgage brokerage and I hatched Red Sparrow”
Based in Melbourne the experienced Red Sparrow team will crunch the numbers and look for a lending solution to suit a wide range of clients and their needs.
For more information on Red Sparrow and its range of services please contact us.